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Every heritage place has a story to tell and, to make sure that its care, repair or change is the best it can possibly be, its story needs to be uncovered, understood and told. Understanding fabric, local and national context, setting, events, patronage and associated people, and the detailed evolution of a place can enrich appreciation, shape plans and inform solutions, ensuring responsible, informed development, maintenance and repair.

THE HERITAGE PLACE has direct access to a huge body of experience of cultural and architectural research. CEO Dr Deborah Mays, having led the work of designation in England and Scotland, has also written and lectured widely on topics as diverse as street furniture, the impact of regulation, leading architects and nineteenth-century pattern books. A career in unravelling the history of our built places and describing their story, analysing their value, has made her adept in her trade. Knowledge of precedent, contemporaries, rarity and distinctiveness has informed her work. Recent research includes the value of art in conservation and the work of post-War architects.

To find out more about CEO of THE HERITAGE PLACE, Dr Deborah Mays IHBC, FioL FRSA Hon FRIAS FSA(Scot), see her profile on LinkedIn
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